Notice of initiating proceedings for the issuance of a general administrative act

At today’s meeting of 02.11.2021, the FSC decided to initiate proceedings for the issuance of a general administrative act – Decision to determine the amount of contributions to the Guarantee Fund under Art. 554, item 1 of the IC in the Uninsured Vehicle Fund and the contribution under Art. 563, para. 2, item 3 of the IC in the Security Fund in 2022, as well as the deadlines for their implementation.

The Guarantee Fund manages two funds – the Uninsured Vehicle Fund and the Security Fund. The Uninsured Vehicle Fund pays compensation in case of damage from an unidentified motor vehicle or, if the driver is without Motor Third Party Liability Insurance, and the Insurance Fund pays claims to persons with an insolvent insurer.

At present, the contribution to the Uninsured Vehicle Fund is BGN 10.50 for each insured motor vehicle under Motor Third Party Liability and BGN 0.15 for each seat in a public transport vehicle for Public Accident Insurance for Passengers in Public Transport. The contribution to the Security Fund is BGN 2.50 for each vehicle insured for Motor Third Party Liability.

At the proposal of the Guarantee Fund Council, the contribution of insurers offering in the Republic of Bulgaria compulsory motor third party liability insurance to the Fund for Uninsured Motor Vehicles in the Guarantee Fund remains at BGN 10.50 for each insured motor vehicle. The amount of the contribution of the insurers who offer in the Republic of Bulgaria compulsory Accident insurance for the passengers in public transport under Art. 461, item 2 of the IC also does not change and remains BGN 0.15 for each seat, excluding the driver’s seat in the vehicles.

The contribution to the Security Fund also remains BGN 2.50 for each insured vehicle under the Motor Third Party Liability.

The total contribution to the GF of each insured motor vehicle under the Motor Third Party Liability remains BGN 13.00, which is distributed in the two funds in question.

Pursuant to Art. 66, para. 1 of the APC, the opening of the proceedings for issuing the general administrative act shall be announced publicly by publishing the draft act on the FSC website in the section “Public consultations”.

Pursuant to Art. 69, para. 1, item 1 of the APC, the form for participation of the interested parties in the procedure for issuing the act is “Written proposals and objections”.

Pursuant to Art. 69, para. 2 of the APC, the term for submitting the written proposals and objections is one month from the date of publication of the announcement for initiating the procedure for issuing the administrative act on the FSC website and expires on 02.12.2021 inclusive.

The Financial Supervision Commission informs investment firms about the expected actions in connection with the reporting on the new prudential supervision

To clarify the reporting of information by investment firms in accordance with the applicable requirements of Regulation (EU) 2019/2033 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2019 on the prudential requirements of investment firms and amending Regulations (EU) No 1093/2010, (EU) No 575/2013, (EU) No 600/2014 and (EU) No 806/2014 (Regulation (EU) 2019/2033), the Financial Supervision Commission shall inform investment firms of the stage of implementation of the new prudential supervision at European level and the expected reporting format. Investment firms are provided with template reporting forms developed by the European Banking Authority, as well as information on draft regulatory technical standards, available on the websites of the European Banking Authority and the European Commission.

Draft regulatory technical standards based on Regulation (EU) 2019/2033 are available on the European Banking Authority’s website here.

Draft regulatory technical standards based on Regulation (EU) 2019/2033 are available on the European Commission’s website as follows:

Draft Delegated Regulation with regard to regulatory technical standards specifying the methods for measuring the K-factors;

Draft Delegated Regulation with regard to regulatory technical standards specifying the notion of segregated accounts to ensure client money’s protection in the event of an investment firm’s failure;

Draft Delegated Regulation with regard to regulatory technical standards specifying the methods for adjusting the K-factor “daily trading flow” (K-DTF);

Draft Delegated Regulation with regard to regulatory technical standards specifying the methods for adjusting the K-factor “clearing margin given” (K-CMG);

Draft Delegated Regulation specifying the criteria for subjecting certain investment firms to the requirements of Regulation (EU) No. 575/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2013 on prudential requirements for credit institutions and investment firms and amending Regulation (EU) No. 648/2012;

The applicable reporting forms developed by the European Banking Authority, as well as instructions for filling in, can be downloaded here.

You can send your questions on the implementation of the new prudential supervision to