“Recognize the Licensed investment firm” Awareness Campaign in partnership with the Financial Supervision Commission

The Bulgarian Association of Licensed Investment Intermediaries (BALII) in partnership with the Financial Supervision Commission (FSC), the Bulgarian Stock Exchange (BSE), the Central Depository (CS) and the Investor Compensation Fund (FCI) reiterate that only licensed investment intermediaries may offer investment services.

Given the actions of the Specialized Prosecutor’s Office and the General Directorate Combating Organized Crime in recent days to detect financial fraud schemes by unlicensed brokers, investment institutions remind citizens that they should always check whether the company that offers them financial services is licensed.

The license can be verified on the website of the Financial Supervision Commission.

The initiative for conducting the awareness campaign “Recognize the licensed investment firm” is also under the auspices of Boyko Atanasov, Chairman of the FSC. “In the Commission’s Development Strategy for the period 2019-2021 we set the main goal of public awareness and fraud prevention as a step of the strategy to achieve these results is to increase the financial literacy of citizens,” said Boyko Atanasov on the occasion of the campaign. The information materials indicate 10 features by which everyone can find out whether a company offering investment services is licensed or not.

The 10 signs for recognizing the licensed investment firm are published on the websites of the FSC and BALII.