FSC with a warning about investments in financial instruments issued by issuers related to the Russian Federation, which are subject to restrictive measures and sanctions in connection with the situation in Ukraine

The Financial Supervision Commission makes recommendations to the participants in the capital market for increased vigilance and the implementation of an enhanced risk management policy before proceeding with investments in financial instruments issued by issuers related to the Russian Federation. The scope of the warnings also includes issuers and counterparties whose production, supply chains and end markets are strongly linked to the Russian Federation.

The actions taken by the FSC are in the context of the complicated international situation and the imposition of sanctions and restrictions by the EU, USA, Canada, UK and other countries on the Russian Federation, the Russian Central Bank, credit institutions and companies and individuals.

The international tensions that have led to sanctions and restrictions on the Russian Federation are another challenge for international financial markets. However, the Financial Supervision Commission is confident that all companies in the capital market will be able to successfully deal with the situation, respecting the interests of their customers and working to maintain the stability of the capital market in Bulgaria.